Inhouse Farming – Air humidification for high-yield growth and optimal results
Agriculture in a controlled environment independent of climate and season
Agriculture in a controlled environment independent of climate and season
According to a study by the United Nations, by 2050 almost 10 billion people will inhabit the earth. On the other hand, there will be less and less arable land. Climate change, over-fertilisation and sealing of soils present us with new challenges in terms of food security. Inhouse farms already offer practical solutions for many agricultural products.
Under homogeneous and controllable conditions, ideal growing conditions prevail there all year round. In addition to the nutrient supply of the plants and an optimum lighting, controllable humidity is a decisive factor for yield, quality and harvest reliability.
For example, disused factories, warehouses or shipping containers become multi-layered, vertically arranged „gardens“ in which healthy and fresh food such as fruit, vegetables or herbs are grown – regardless of climate and season.
Vertical farming usually focuses on the production of plant-based foods in urban areas. Each plant species, but also each growth phase, provides optimal values for the relative humidity (RH).
When grown outdoors, native plant species are well adapted to the climate conditions. With our air humidification systems, the indoor climate can be perfectly conditioned for the needs of the respective plants and insect breeding. The high precision and reliability of our systems optimises yield and protects against crop failures and diseases, such as those that
can occur in nature due to undesirable weather events.
High Value Crops (HVC) achieve a higher market value compared to conventional crops. These include special varieties of fruit, vegetables and herbs, but also medicinal plants that are used in pharmaceutical products or the cosmetics industry. A precisely controllable room climate protects the investment during the growing cycle and ensures a high-yield harvest.
Insects such as mealworms, grasshoppers, crickets or black soldier flies are increasingly used as an alternative source of protein in food and feed production. Most farms use vertical breeding systems that allow large quantities of insects to be produced in a small space. The prerequisite for safe and fast growth is a precisely controllable room climate that optimally adapts temperature and humidity to the individual phases of rearing.
Creating something new together
Together with universities and research departments of the pharmaceutical and food industry we are involved in numerous research projects. We ensure that the results are produced under reproducible and comparable climatic conditions. Our air humidification systems precisely control the indoor climate in the research facilities with the common aim of
Efficient use of tried and tested
Even though the industry is still comparatively young, inhouse farming is already being practised successfully on an industrial scale. We plan and supply proven and field-tested air humidification and water treatment systems for every room size and every air handling connection, flexibly adapted to every project requirement.
Quality, innovation and service characterise our range of services, as well as the sustainable and holistic development of solutions. This also includes, for example, efficient heat recovery, which we plan and realise together with our specialist for energy recovery, the KLINGENBURG GmbH.
We look forward to your project.
Use of high-quality components and application of intelligent protection and maintenance programmes
Any room size and any project can be realised thanks to expandable performance classes and optional additional functions
From planning to maintenance - personal, digital and sustainable
Cleaning options and use of inert materials for hygienically sensitive application areas
Long operating times and low maintenance
Resource-saving use of materials, intelligent energy management and avoidance of water loss